Outdoor Adventure Program
S.T.E.M.S in the hood is a partnership between Higher Ground, Oakland Unified School District, Partnership for Children and Youth, Techbridge, and Bechtel foundation. Science, Technology, Math, Engineering, and Service Learning. Higher Ground’s summer programming works with 3rd-5th grade students teaching them Techbridge science and engineering lessons filled with camp spirit and creativity. Engaging project based learning experiences, swimming, A’s games, Chabot Space and Science Center, fitness workshops, hiking the MLK shoreline, and the Tech Museum are all horizon boarding experiences that we bring to our children in the neighborhoods of Deep East Oakland and we Love It!!!
Students, Parents, Staff, and Youth Workers Interview
S.T.E.M.S in the hood is a partnership between Higher Ground, Oakland Unified School District, Partnership for Children and Youth, Techbridge, and Bechtel foundation. Science, Technology, Math, Engineering, and Service Learning.
We asked some of the students, parents, staff members, and Youth Workers to share their experience with this year's summer S.T.E.M.S program and here is what they had to say!